
5 reasons why contemporary art is a good investment!

We have a long-standing desire to gather our arguments and advice on why we think collecting art is a good investment. There are many reasons, a library of literature and whether we like to say it or not, contemporary art collecting in this country is a nascent industry. There is huge potential, but it is not easy to navigate this art world. That's what we're trying to help you with this little compilation.

  1. You can start with little money!

Most investments require substantial capital, while a painting by a young contemporary artist can be bought for a few tens of thousands of forints. It doesn't require a big saving, and you can start collecting artworks of lower value. By buying our first original painting, we can get out of the circle of people who "decorate" their homes with cheap posters and prints of yew.

  1. Long-term and safe investment!

If you buy art, you should think long-term. The recognition and success of an artist can last for years or decades. Yet it is almost a safe investment, as over the last fifty years art has consistently returned higher returns than stock market investments. With low bank interest rates, you're better off buying a beautiful painting, enjoying it, and its value will steadily increase.

  1. Meet and support Artists!

The Hungarian art market is so small that it is possible to get to know the artist whose work you are collecting. One of the gallery's most important tasks is to provide a space and an opportunity for artists and art buyers to meet. Not to mention that every purchase we make supports the artists' livelihoods. Let's be patrons, get to know and support Hungarian contemporary artists!

  1. Discover an exciting, unknown world!

We are all inherently art collectors, having spent our childhood collecting stamps, napkins, books and comics. We have the instinct, we just need to find the right direction to go in. It is very exciting to get a behind the scenes look at how a gallery works. We invite you to visit us, step into the Vándorfény Gallery (1053 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 3.) and discover the unknown but exciting world of art!

  1. Contemporary art collecting as an intellectual investment

It is a misconception that contemporary art collecting is only a matter of money. I am convinced that it takes more determination and time - to watch films, read good books, go to exhibitions - which is what it takes. You also need emotional intelligence to make good choices. In this country, art collecting is still in its infancy, with queues in front of travel agencies, shopping centres and stadiums now longer than at the entrance to a contemporary gallery. If we educate ourselves, our intellectual investment will pay off financially over time.


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