kortárs művészet-Suhaj Zoltán-vándorfény kortárs galéria

Kortárs műalkotás mint társadalmi státusz szimbólum

Kortárs festmények A művészet évezredek óta szorosan kapcsolódik az emberek társadalmi státuszához, és ez a kapcsolat napjainkban is élő jelenség. Kortárs műalkotás birtoklása több mint egyszerű esztétikai döntés – egyre inkább státuszszimbólummá válik, amely a tulajdonos kifinomult ízlését, kulturális érzékenységét és művészeti elkötelezettségét tükrözi.   A kortárs művészet gyűjtése nemcsak esztétikai értéket, hanem intellektuális és

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Artwork for a wedding

Weddings are always an exciting event, celebrating the joining of two people's lives. As an invited guest, family member or friend, the question of what to give the newlyweds may arise alongside the sincere happiness. Many people nowadays take the practical route and either ask for an envelope or write a gift list from which everyone can choose what they would like to give the newlyweds. If you have a "free hand", so to speak.

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The magic of buying contemporary art

  Changing eras There have always been various changing eras in the history of art. From time to time, there are themes that tend to come to the fore and others that tend to take a back seat. In general, when we talk about art, we tend to get stuck in the "canon", i.e. we tend to think of classical artists and works of art. Contemporary art can be a bit daunting at first,

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Contemporary Painter

The magic of buying contemporary art

Changing eras There have always been various changing eras in the history of art. From time to time, there are themes that tend to come to the fore and others that tend to take a back seat. In general, when we talk about art, we tend to get stuck in the "canon", i.e. we tend to think of classical artists and works of art. Contemporary art can be a bit daunting at first, as

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Császár Előd (Shane54) Cats - cat, Vándorfény Gallery, The artist stands in front of his paintings in the Gallery.

World sensation: the artistic cats of Shane54 amaze the world with the magic of artificial intelligence!

Internationally renowned musician, DJ, producer Előd Császár is conquering a new branch of art, one of the first stops of which is the Vándorfény Gallery! His cat paintings are already admired by many people, his colourful works in different styles almost jump off the walls... Like cats! We talked to Előd Császár about art, inspiration and the groundbreaking technical innovations of his creative work.

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5 reasons why contemporary art is a good investment!

We have a long-standing desire to put together our arguments and advice on why we think collecting art is a good investment. There are many reasons, a library of literature and whether we like to say it or not, contemporary art collecting in this country is a nascent industry. There is huge potential, but it is not easy to navigate this art world. It's a huge opportunity to discover the art world, but it's not easy to find your way around.

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