Dear art-loving friend!
Fogadják szeretettel új tavaszi katalógusunkat! Az elmúlt időszak rengeteg inspiráló beszélgetéssel telt. Sok új ötlet született, melynek anyagát most ebben a kiadványban önök elé tárjuk! Számtalan egyéb újdonsággal készülünk a tavaszi szezonra a kiállításainkon, és a galériánkban is.

Every year, our artists always try to show something new, not forgetting the path they have travelled artistically, but still discovering new motifs, themes and materials based on their experience, their work and the feedback of the interested public!
To push the boundaries of their art, to present their works to the understanding eyes of the community, trusting in the appreciation of the public!
We will keep you (also) informed about our events throughout the year on our website and social media updates!

Our website has a very important new feature, we have created a personal shopping cart function, which can be used after registration and offers many more individual, customizable options for the user!
Registration also gives you VIP membership, which has many benefits for the club member! We welcome you in our Gallery, at our exhibitions and events nationwide! 
The exact schedule is available on our website and social media platforms!
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