
Andor Szepesi

Born in Budapest in 1954. His talent was noticed already during his primary school years. Among his first teachers, his most influential master was the painter Zoltán Nagybányai Nagy and his foster father Antal Rónai. He has a multi-talented talent: in addition to his fine arts studies, he learned to play the violin. Growing up, he was able to develop his artistic techniques under several renowned masters.Since 1980, he has sold his works through the Képcsarnok and has participated in numerous exhibitions abroad. He has exhibited in Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam and the United States. The international Mayer catalogue is proof of the success of his paintings at auctions abroad.

His artistic development can be traced through his choice of subjects. His early works were mostly still lifes, but his paintings of horses were also successful. Today his portrait and nude paintings are also in demand. His paintings are characterised by a realistic or hyper-realistic approach.



His most important national exhibitions:

1982 Győr

1985 Pécs City Gallery

1989.Békéscsaba Gyula group exhibition

1997 Budapest Liget Hotel

2000 Budapest OTP Gallery

2002 Hatvani Gallery

  1. January OTP Gallery - Joint exhibition with Éva Bényi painter
  2. May at the Secret Gallery, he presented a performance of his music easel, the workings of which can be seen in several videos on the popular video sharing site Art Andrews Project.

In 2018 and 2019, it participated in several group exhibitions on music.

  1. unveiled its new musician easel in December in a performance

framework. A video will be available shortly to show how it works.

For him, the relationship between music and painting is very important. He also thinks in pictures while making music.

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