
Győző Bihon

Győző Bihon was born in 1959 in Nyíregyháza. Between 1988 and 1994 he was a member of the Studio of Young Artists, since 1989 he has been a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists, and since 2008 he has been a member of the Hungarian Painters' Society.


He studied at the following higher education institutions:

1979-1983 Bessenyei György Teacher Training College Nyíregyháza

1984-1986 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts/esti/ Budapest

1988 Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna


Major solo exhibitions:

  1. Körmendi Gallery, Artner Palace, Sopron
  2. Galerie Isabel, Innsbruck, Austria
  3. Gyula Pál Hall, Nyíregyháza
  4. Pannónia Gallery, Sopron
  5. Workshop Gallery, Szentendre
  6. Lajos Vajda Studio, Szentendre
  7. Pintér Gallery, Budapest
  8. Kernstok Gallery, Nyergesújfalu
  9. Gerenday House, Lábatlan
  10. Danube Museum, Esztergom
  11. Aba-Novák Gallery, Leányfalu
  12. Local History Museum, Fonyód
  13. Egry József Museum, Badacsony
  14. Rómer Flóris Museum, Győr
  15. Erdész Gallery, Szentendre
  16. Esterházy Palace, Geo+Metria, Győr
  17. Kunsthalle, At the same time - Studio visits | Urbi et Orbi, Budapest

2023 OTP Bankcenter, Budapest


Major group exhibitions:

  1. Studio 91. Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
  2. Studio 92. Ernst Museum, Budapest
  3. Duna Gallery, Budapest
  4. ArtMalom, Szentendre
  5. Salon de Provance, France
  6. Szekko, Szentendre Gallery
  7. Krisztina Palace, Art Market, Budapest
  8. Summer Fair, Szeged
  9. Local Colour, Szentendre
  10. Picture-Tar-House, Szombathely
  11. My muse, Adria, Szombathely Gallery
  12. Várkert Bazaar, Budapest
  13. ArtMalom, Labyrinth, Szentendre
  14. Barcsay Museum, Restart, Szentendre
  15. XVIII Biennial of Tabletop Painting, Reök Palace, Szeged
  16. City-Picture - exhibition of the Society of Hungarian Painters, The Agora of the Vértes, Tatabánya
  17. Art-Raster Art Protection Network Foundation exhibition, Pintér Gallery, Budapest
  18. Tendencies, Reök Palace, Szeged



  1. Public Art Szentendre, Grand Prize
  2. NKA scholarship
  3. NKA scholarship
  4. City-picture competition, Tatabánya, Hungarian Painters' Society: first prize.


Works in public buildings, public collections:

City Health Centre, Szentendre

Hotel Palazzo Zichy, Budapest

Rómer Flóris History Museum, Győr.


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