

Ilona Harangozó, known by her stage name Bimbi, dreams up magical female figures on canvas. In her Art Deco style, she paints femininity, elegance and beauty in her rich, joyful, vibrant paintings. Her art was influenced by her dressmaking grandmother, who taught her the basics of dress design, and her late husband, who lovingly encouraged her to pursue a career in painting. Her hatted female figures became almost a trademark, radiating feminine mystery and love of life. She worked as a dress designer, ran her own fashion salon at the age of twenty-two and lived in New York and Canada.

All the characteristics of femininity shine through her paintings. Her vivid colours,
creates a special atmosphere for its idyllic themes through its moving shapes. Her interest in fashion, special colour harmonies and femininity create an art deco inspired atmosphere that is unique to her. She shows the power of feminine charm in a male-centric world.

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