
József Black

József Fekete is the painter in whom the man who marvels at the beauty of life meets the professional who is perfectly trained. He strives for completeness in his life and unity in his art, already creating works rich in stylistic play.

In his earlier Impressionist period, he captures the light-colour riot with free-running, broad brushstrokes. In his current period, a toolbox extended with perspective lines serves to capture light-space.

His landscapes - only apparently still images - vibrate with the momentum of silence. His extended planes depict the crowd, his colourful, dynamic, intersecting lines of force the light, the glow, the rhythm present in life.

His influential role models are Paul. Paul Cezanne with his floating masses, Umberto Boccioni with his futurism, Robert Delaunay with his orphic cubism, and Mikhail Larionov and his partner Natalia Goncharova, two outstanding representatives of the Russian avant-garde.

From his theoretical and painterly summaries and decades of work, he has built a truly 21st century vision of his own, bringing together all the tricks of the trade.

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