
Alpár Deák



1990 - 1994 Workshop in Felvincen, under the guidance of painter and graphic artist László Sípos.

  1. May. 8.
  • Nagyenyedi History Museum (Bethlen Castle) – EXPO 93 , first painting and graphics exhibition, with artist Botond Kiss
  1. Nov. 25.
  • Nagyenyed,R.M.D.SZ. Headquarters - Moods - group exhibition of Painting and Graphics with artists Hajnal Dávid, László Kubanek, Zsolt Berszán-M., István Kudor, Zoltán Pattantyus, Gheorghe Moldovan, Zoltán Benkő.

1994 - 1996 Workshop in Cluj-Napoca, under the guidance of Paul Cheptea, professor and painter.

  1. Jan. 10
  • Cluj Napoca "GÁSPÁR HELTAI" literary café - painting and graphics exhibition, with artist Botond Kiss

September 1997.

  • Admission to the later "Ioan Andreescu" Academy of Fine Arts, Cluj-Napoca (UAD), Faculty of Industrial Design. I also received a scholarship for three years.
  1. Mar. 04.
  • UAP Gallery Cluj Napoca - "DESIGNERI de AZI de MÎINE" - "Ioan Andreescu" Academy of Fine Arts design group exhibition, presentation of my model "CSÚKA".
  1. 22 August.
  • Nagyenyed, Cultural Centre - Group exhibition with artists participating in the Nagyenyed International Art Camp
  • Bethlen Castle - first international mailart exhibition
  1. 24 February.
  • The first exhibition of this kind by students of the Ion Andreescu Academy of Fine Arts, Cluj-Napoca Hungarian State Theatre- AKIK (Creative Artists' Youth Club)- Ion Andreescu Academy of Fine Arts.
  1. March. 04
  • Primary School of Torocko - "Landscapes of Torocko" - Personal painting exhibition


  • Nagyenyedi History Museum (Bethlen Castle) - Millennium + Millennium- Group exhibition, with Noémi Lovász, Ioan Oprea, Antoniu Méda, Ildikó Muresan, Rodika Deák, Alin Oniga.
  1. 22 August.
  • Torockó, "The Source" Guesthouse - Personal Exhibition of Paintings
  1. Aug. 04.
  • Gyomaendrőd, Municipal Gallery - Final group exhibition - Gyomaendrődi International Artists' Camp
  1. Feb. 24.
  • Torockó Tobiás Éva Gallery - Personal Painting Exhibition
  1. 23 July.
  • Cluj Academy of Fine Arts (UAD) - Identity project for Torocko ethnotourism centre: museum website, museum, renovation with 3D presentation, graphic design plans for museum and gallery - Diploma work presentation.

2002.December 6.

  • Dr. Pál Szász Hungarian Community House - group exhibition in memory of Mihály Székely.
  1. Jan. 6.
  • Budapest, Bocskai Gallery - Torockó - Personal Exhibition of Paintings
  1. Jan. 18.
  • Budapest Bartók Béla Unitarian Parish - Torockó- Personal painting exhibition
  1. 20 May.
  • Dr. Pál Szász Hungarian Community House in Nagyenyed - Landscapes of Torocko - Personal Painting Exhibition, József Dinnyés and Zsolt Pálfi on double bass performed at the opening
  1. April. 18.
  • Torockó, Éva Tóbiás Gallery - 10th anniversary - group exhibition, with Ágnes Felházi, Béla Ferenczi, Ildikó Kováts and László Paskutz
  1. Nov. 28.
  • Debrecen Újkerti könyvtárban - Torockó - Personal painting exhibition
  1. Aug. 04.
  • Felvinc, Reformed Church - Felvinc Artists - group exhibition
  1. 11 May.
  • Nagyenyed Bethlen Gábor College - Bethlen Days - group exhibition, with Laci László and Ágoston Dvorácsek
  1. August. 17.
  • Felvinc, Reformed Church - Felvinc Artists - group exhibition
  1. 22 May.
  • Nagyenyed Bethlen Gábor College - Bethlen Days - group exhibition, including student works.
  1. 24 July.
  • Torockó, Morzsák Gallery - group exhibition
  1. 01 August.
  • Felvinc, Reformed congregation hall - group exhibition - with paintings and graphics by László Sípos, and folk art works by József Hudicska, József Joó, Magdolna Sallak and Imola Henning
  1. December. 9
  • Cornwall, St Ives - Christmas Open Exibition - group exhibition


  • Several of my new paintings have been accepted by private galleries in Cornwall, St Ives, Penzance, Mousehole, Newlyn, Maraizon.

27 April 2014.

  • Several of my new paintings have been accepted in private galleries in Cornwall, St Ives, Penzance, Mousehole, Newlyn, Maraizon.2014.
  • Kuwait Museum of Modern Art( MOMA) - group exhibition

6 May 2014.

  • Kuwait Dar al Funoon Art Gallery - group exhibition


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