
Éva Szakács

Born in Kapuvár in 1963. His first artistic experiences were under the caring guidance of Árpád Szarka, a painter from Sopron. In 1985, he graduated in Szombathely, where the excellent György Mészáros and the Munkácsy Prize winner János Szurcsik were his masters.

With sensual sophistication and boundless love, he discovers and shares with us the beauty in which he himself takes so much pleasure. He is able to give us faith by opening our eyes to the natural and man-made wonders of the world. With its vibrant colours, its caressing moods, it brings a loving warmth to our hearts; it strengthens the strong and sustains the weak. He pampers and touches our souls with the youthful harmony and sincere joy radiating from his works.

His themes tempt us to follow him as he explores the world, from the back gardens to Santorini, from Heviz to Venice, from Jelí to the High Tatras. In his paintings we are captivated by the beauty of atmospheric squares and streets, of promenades bursting with colour and adorned with dazzling flowers. We can admire the varied light of night and day; the beauty of cities and landscapes.

In addition to solo and group exhibitions in Hungary, he has also had the opportunity to show his work in Austria, in Neusiedl am See, Klagenfurt and Vienna. In 1997 he won the first prize at the national art competition of the Gizella Days in Veszprém. Happy collectors of his paintings can be found in all corners of the globe, including Finland, the United States, Spain, Germany and Israel."


1995. Békéscsaba

1996. Klagenfurt

1997. Győr, Art Gallery

1997. Veszprém

1998. Kapuvár, Municipal Exhibition Hall

1998. Csorna, Municipal Library

2001. Szentes

2002. Sopron, Szín-Folt Gallery

2002. Mosonmagyaróvár, Pince Gallery

2003. Budapest, Duna P-Art Gallery

2006. Győr, University Hall

2006. Kaposvár, Noszlopy Gallery

2007. Mór

2008. Tata

2009. Cape Town

2010. 2010. Budapest, Neves Kor-Társ Gallery

2011. Komárom, Monostori Fortress

2015. Győr, El Paso


1997 Veszprém, Gizella-days National Fine Arts Competition, painting category: first place

2008 Tata, Angels and Fairies Gallery, Weber-Terranova Painting Competition: 1st place

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