
Julianna Pálfy

I became a painter because I am really only interested in art.All kinds of art. I really wanted to be a film director but I didn't get the chance so I chose fine arts. My mother was a good drawer, she read a lot and we children inherited that. Literature still plays an important role in my life. I also write, I have published poems, short stories and stories (Móra publishing house).

I was immediately accepted to the fine arts, and my favourite teacher was Attila Duncsák, whose work I still follow. Botticelli, Klimt, Schiele, Klee, the surrealists most of all Bosch and Gaudi are the ones who had a great influence on me. I like non-figurative forms of expression but in many cases the depiction of a person is absolutely necessary to portray a theme, mood, emotion. I don't deny myself, if at the moment a different style or way of painting suits me I do it.

I love music. Where I am there is always some kind of music playing, Pink Floyd, Maria Callas, Quimby, Hungarian folk songs etc.

I have had many solo exhibitions, I have participated in many group exhibitions with my paintings.The most memorable was my big exhibition in Hajdúböszörmény. The previous year I won the Káplár Miklós prize at the international art festival, so the 2019 art festival opened with my exhibition.

My paintings have been sent all over the world.I can't keep track of them anymore (USA, Canada, Germany, Slovakia, Austria etc.)

As long as I have something to say and I can hold a brush or a pen, I have fun, hoping to bring joy to others.


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