
Wei Xiang

Wei Xiang

Wei Xiang is a member of the Association of Hungarian Artists and Craftsmen, a board member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers, the founder of the Wink brand and the president of the Hungarian Wink International Cultural Arts and Sports Association. He is also the founder of the international series of photographic activities "In the Mirror of the Silk Road".


1984 Graduated from Fujian Normal University, majoring in oil painting.

1990 He settled in Hungary.

1992 He joined the Association of Hungarian Artists and Craftsmen.

2013 Elected member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers.

2019 Elected President of the Association of Hungarian Photographers.


Wei Xiang

Wei Xiang is a member of the Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists, a council member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers,

the founder of the Wink brand, and the President of the Wink International Cultural Arts and Sports Association.

He is also the founder of "Silk Road's Reflection", a series of cross-cultural activities and events focused on photography.


1984 He graduated from Fujian Normal University with a specialization in oil painting.

1990 He settled in Hungary.

1992 He joined the Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists.

2013 He was elected as a member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers.

2019 He was elected as a council member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers.











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