
The magic of buying contemporary art



Changing eras

Throughout the history of art, there have always been various changing periods. From time to time, there are themes that are more in the spotlight, while others tend to take a back seat. In general, when we talk about art, we tend to get stuck in the "canon", i.e. we tend to think of classical artists and works of art. Contemporary art as a concept can be a bit daunting at first.

The magic of buying contemporary art

Why contemporary?

Usually, the word "contemporary" immediately conjures up associations with minimalist, modern trends. But if it doesn't match our style, we tend to ignore it, because we don't like it, it's "not for us". But the truth is that contemporary art in itself encompasses many artistic disciplines. The Vándorfény Gallery offers both figurative and abstract, classical and modern. At present, there is no single stylistic direction in the art world, unlike in the past. This is fantastic, because it gives a lot of freedom, everyone can choose the genre, style and technique that suits their own personal taste. How is it different to buy from a Hungarian contemporary artist? On the one hand, we are in the same cultural circle as the artist: the artist's favourite places and themes are also our own. On the other hand, as mentioned before, the current trends and perspectives are constantly changing - this also applies to the artists' individual work. In Hungarian contemporary art, this change of style is happening right in front of you. We can witness how you change, experiment, what moves you, what makes you create.

Meet the artist

The artist expresses his own world, his feelings, his memories through his own work. The other side of the coin belongs to us, the recipients. In many cases, these two sides are intertwined: just as we are affected by a work of art, the artist can be affected by what we see in it, how we interpret his or her work. It may also happen that the artist, for example, in a conversation between the audience and the artist in a chamber exhibition, takes things from the audience and incorporates them into his or her subsequent works.

Order with a specific idea

If you have a specific idea of what kind of artwork you want, you can place a special order. If you like the style of an artist and want a personal, unique composition in this world, you can make your request on our website or in person.

The work of art as an asset

We have already discussed, when we looked at the process of choosing an art object (link), that an art object, apart from its decorative and sentimental value, can also be considered an investment. The value of a work of art, whether it is a painting, a sculpture or even a print, increases over time, even multiplies. The work of art itself represents a stable, permanent value. By buying a work of art, we contribute to the further development of contemporary art and art culture in Hungary.

The magic of buying contemporary art

If you are interested and would like to get a personal insight into the world of Hungarian contemporary art, please visit our gallery! Discover the cavalcade of different styles and art movements and find the one that suits you best!

The magic of buying contemporary art

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